Praying with Psalm 121
I raise up my eyes to the hills,
From whence does my help come?
My help comes from the God of my life
Who made the heavens and the earth
You've cared for me, dear God, since life began
I trust you help me every way you can.
God will not let my footing be lost,
The Compassionate One will not slumber,
Behold, the God who protects the oppressed
Will neither lie down nor sleep
You've cared for me, dear God, since life began
I trust you help me every way you can.
God is my help, my hope against hope,
A protection on my right hand,
The sun shall not strike me down by day,
Nor the moon do me harm by night.
You've cared for me, dear God, since life began
I trust you help me every way you can.
The God of life will keep me from harm
And will rescue my soul from destruction,
God's arm will protect my comings and goings
From this time forth and forever.
You've cared for me, dear God, since life began
I trust you help me every way you can.
from CENTERING PRAYERS by William Cleary