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About ClearyWorks

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Contact William Cleary

Bill is a freelance writer and musician, husband of Roddy O'Neil Cleary, and father of Thomas, 33 and Neil, 31.

He lives at 72A N. Prospect St., Burlington, Vt. 05401 (802) 862.4659, and Email at Bill@clearyworks.com and Roddy's at mcleary@zoo.uvm.edu.

Email is usually the best approach but call or write if you like, whatever works best for you.

Quick Purchase

Call 1.800.639.3611 (Hopkins Bookshop) to order books by Bill

 We Side With the Morning: Daily Prayers to the God of Hope ($15.95)
short utterances, new and feisty, that reach to all religions and beyond

 The Jesuit's Escape ($14.95)
a novel of 3rd-world Korea, a priest in love, and a dangerous choice

 Prayers To an Evolutionary God ($21.99)
80 prayers, each with scientific  commentary

How the Wild Things Pray  ($12.95)
gift book illustrated with animals at prayer

The Lively Garden Prayer Book ($11.95)
veggies at prayer A to Z

Praying Your Story  ($12.95)
40 Aesop fables in verse with saints to match

Prayers For Lovers ($14.95)
gift book full of prayers to say together

Lighten Your Heart ($6.95)
animals at prayer A to Z

Prayers To She Who Is ($12.95)
words to God's feminine self

Prayers and Fables  ($14.95)
40 more Aesop fables in verse with commentary

Psalm Services for Group Prayer ($12.95)
words and dialogues for a group at prayer

Centering Prayers ($9.95)
words to God for people of all faiths

The ABCs for UU Newcomers($6.95)
basic information on Unitarian Universalism

My UU ABCs ($4.95)
coloring book for kids, companion to the above

Selving ($15.00)
16 spiritual journeys include the editor's (Cleary)


NEWEST Cleary news

http://www.seoulselection.com/published_yangyin.html is a Korean site where Cleary music is linked to his 1965 play in a new book: see "performance" links online and listen.


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