A Bedbug's Blanket Blessing
(Many noble professions are underappreciated)
I bless my job, I bless my life,
I bless my destiny!
My medical vocation
Fits my temper to a tee.
I love the task of testing blood
To see if it is sweet,
Make sure it serves your body parts,
Especially your feet.
I come at night to taste your blood
With perfect bedside care,
And should I find you are unwell,
I add you to my prayer.
I also check the birds and bats
To keep them healthy too,
So "bedbud" is no name for me,
A "Nurse-Bug" is more true.
I never dreamed when I was young
Such grace on me would flood.
Behold! The Nurse-Bug of the World!
(God, may I check your blood?)
Praxis for Today: Find Happy Friends.
excerpted from how the wild things pray by william cleary