A WILDNESS (a prayer)
There is a wildness in your Divine Mystery, my God,
a seeming randomness in the beauty of this world
as well as in every frightening disaster,
an oddness and awesome violence in the process of evolution,
an originality in creation that outflanks all our expectations.
We would tame you, Free and Holy One, and domesticate you
but the effort fails.
The world you've put us into is inexhaustibly awesome and
and it speaks of creative forces ever more unknown and not
intelligible to us.
Wild, Fascinating Artist, Creator of Everything,
guide our hearts and heads as we speak of you and to you:
we know not who you are,
where you are,
how you can be what and whatever you are.
Rather than seek to break our idols from the past,
give us ever more meaningful bridges of imagination.
True, we will never know you clearly in idols or icons
but we seem to have no other path:
our minds reach out in images,
seeing your "words" everywhere,
spoken in what you have created.
Guide our hearts, Holy Mystery, that they may not be overly grave
or compulsively serious.
We would harmonize with your own freedom and randomness,
trusting our future to your perfect care.
You are our God.
Free Creative Wisdom, guiding, freeing,
In you we live and move and have our being.
from PRAYERS TO SHE WHO IS by William Cleary